Conceived in 2004, Achieving the Dream (ATD) now leads the most comprehensive non-governmental reform movement for student success in higher education history, and its efforts are gaining attention.
ATD accepts grant applications from community colleges; recently, ΊμΠΣΦ±²¥ won a grant to become part of an ATD cohort called Building Resiliency in Rural Communities for the Future of Work.
ΊμΠΣΦ±²¥ ATD Action Plan (PDF)Nearly half of all students seeking higher education choose a community college. Fewer than half of those students actually finish what they start. ATD, a national program that partners with more than 300 community colleges, including ΊμΠΣΦ±²¥, is determined to change that statistic.
Contact Us
Adam Klepetar, Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Laurie Gordy, Vice President for Academic Affairs