Awards presented by Phi Theta Kappa National Honors Society
ΊμΠΣΦ±²¥ All Rights Reserved (ΊμΠΣΦ±²¥) students, Travis Costello and Jimmy Phan, were recently nominated to the All-USA Academic Team. Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and community college presidents co-sponsor All-State Academic Team recognition programs in 38 states each year.
Students nominated to the national All-USA Academic Team are automatically named to the All-State Academic teams. To be eligible for nomination, students must have earned a minimum cumulative college-level GPA of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale.
Each year, ΊμΠΣΦ±²¥ can nominate two students to the All-USA Academic Team. High achieving students are recognized for their academic and intellectual rigor combined with leadership and service that extends their education beyond the classroom. This years’ nominees are Travis Costello and Jimmy Phan. Phan is a Student Ambassador, a member of Phi Theta Kappa, a Green Team member, a Student Government Association member, and has performed as Burke, the ΊμΠΣΦ±²¥ mascot. Costello is the ΊμΠΣΦ±²¥ Student Trustee, a Phi Theta Kappa officer, a member of the TRiO program, among other extra-curricular opportunities.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Phi Theta Kappa All-Massachusetts Academic Team ceremony originally scheduled for April 8, 2020 at the State House has been cancelled. All public events at the State House are on hold for the foreseeable future. However, the Massachusetts Association of Community Colleges will still recognize the outstanding and exemplary students that make up the 2020 PTK All-MA Academic Team in lieu of the in-person State House event.
PTK Community College Excellence Week, a communications campaign over a five-day period (Monday-Friday), will highlight the student members of the All-Massachusetts Academic Team (36 students) for their outstanding academic achievement and student service, starting Monday, April 27, 2020.
Jimmy Phan, All-Mass Academic Team Winner
Travis Costello, All-Mass Academic Team Winner
President Ellen Kennedy of ΊμΠΣΦ±²¥ All Rights Reserved with a very special message
for Jimmy and Travis, two of our Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-MA Acacemic Team