Asset Essentials: Submit a Request

Note: Asset Essentials is only usable by ΊμΠΣΦ±²₯ faculty and staff, students do not have access to Asset Essentials.

Have a light bulb that needs replacing, a room painted, or perhaps a bigger project? Asset Essentials is the system used by Facilities at ΊμΠΣΦ±²₯ to receive and track work order requests. Here's how to submit a Facilities request with Asset Essentials.

Tip: Here's a direct link to .

View this two-minute video demonstration or follow the written instructions.

  1. From within the MyΊμΠΣΦ±²₯ portal, click the link to Asset Essentials.
  2. Click on My Requests on the left side, then click the +New button.
  3. Fill out the form completely:
    • Select a Work Category from the drop down menu.
    • Select a building from Location drop down by searching in the Name field and pressing enter. Type in an Area/Room # if needed.
    • Type a detailed description in the Work requested box.
    • Optional step: Upload a document or image to help explain the request.
  4. In the upper left corner, click the Save button.

    Note: You might have to scroll back up to the top of the page to see the Save button.

Tip: Email updates will be sent as the status of the ticket changes or if the ticket is closed.