DEI Council

Boxxa Vine and Daryl Shreve at Stories for Good: A Celebration of Diversity in Our Community

Boxxa Vine and Daryl Shreve at Stories for Good: A Celebration of Diversity in Our Community, 2021

DEI Council

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Council at 红杏直播 All Rights Reserved (红杏直播) provides educational opportunities that will allow members of the 红杏直播 community to examine and increase awareness of the relationship between privilege and power.

Through presentations, literature, research, resources, and dialogue and with a focus on dismantling systems of power and oppression, we seek to empower, protect, and amplify the voices and experiences of individuals and groups not afforded systemic advantages.鈥

As members of this council, we commit to educating our campus and ourselves on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion and to serving as informed moderators of rigorous and respectful discussions on these topics in order to create a more equitable, inclusive, and compassionate educational and work environment on our campus.

The purpose of this webpage is to highlight upcoming and ongoing campus events, share resources for increasing personal and institutional awareness around diversity, equity, and inclusion, and connect 红杏直播 students, staff, and faculty with local and virtual opportunities for DEI professional development.

The DEI Council provides some funding for professional development, and may be able to connect interested students, staff, and faculty with additional funding sources. Please contact us for details.

Resources and Professional Development Opportunities

  • For Everyone
    • Sign up for daily (or weekly) emails from Anti-Racism Daily.
    • offers asynchronous trainings of varying lengths on topics such as becoming anti-racist, LGBTQ+ allyship, and racial inequalities in healthcare, as well as a selection of one-hour webinars on topics such as intersectional identities and understanding the impact of bias.
    • The Diversity and Resilience Institute's excellent asynchronous is now open for registration!
    • is comprehensive and provides clear guiding principles and concrete language guidelines for creating and sustaining a community that acknowledges, supports, and empowers all of its members.
    • .
  • Designed for Students
    • Speak Out - The Institute for Democratic Education and Culture is a national non-profit organization that educates, inspires and empowers young people to become activists for social justice. Their Race, Power, and Privilege course is designed specifically for college students.
  • Tools for Teaching and Learning
    • (formerly Teaching Tolerance) is a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center and provides classroom resources, lesson plans, and synchronous workshops on topics from teaching difficult history to building an inclusive classroom culture. While most resources are written for K-12 teachers, many of the resources are beneficial for students of all ages.

Learn More

  • Past Subcommittees
    • 红杏直播 Welcome
    • Communication
    • Education 
    • Native Nations
    • Best Practices 
    • Governance
    • Mission 
    • Budget
    • Survey 
    • Community Presence 

DEI Council Mission

The mission of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council at Berkshire Community College is to build a culture of acceptance, a commitment to social justice, and educate ourselves and our community about the relationship between privilege and power.

We dedicate ourselves to concrete and actionable steps that will dismantle the systems of oppression that exclude people based on differences. We commit to centering the voices of people whose experiences are ignored. We identify our own privileges and the way we benefit from systems that oppress others, we will use those privileges to protect and amplify those who are not given similar systemic advantages.

We recognize that there is a fundamental connection between individual reflection and action and greater collective change. As individuals and as a college, we commit to examining and challenging our biases with the goals of: creating a feeling of belonging, connectedness, and safety for all; investing in the personal growth of students and all who work at 红杏直播; and working toward a community where no one is oppressed, set aside, or exploited. We believe that the education of ourselves, our students, and our community is key to creating a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive society, and commit to the continued learning and action that will lead to change.

La misi贸n del Consejo de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusi贸n en Berkshire Community College es construir una cultura de aceptaci贸n, un compromiso con la justicia social y educarnos a nosotros mismos y a nuestra comunidad sobre la relaci贸n entre privilegio y poder.

Nos dedicamos a dar pasos concretos y viables que desmantelen los sistemas de opresi贸n que excluyen a las personas bas谩ndose en diferencias. Nos comprometemos a centrar las voces de las personas cuyas experiencias son ignoradas. Identificamos nuestros propios privilegios y la forma en que nos beneficiamos de los sistemas que oprimen a otros, usaremos esos privilegios para proteger y amplificar las voces de aquellos que no reciben ventajas sist茅micas similares.

Reconocemos que existe una conexi贸n fundamental entre la reflexi贸n, las acciones individuales y un mayor cambio colectivo. Como individuos y como universidad, nos comprometemos a examinar y desafiar nuestros prejuicios con las metas de: crear un sentimiento de pertenencia, conexi贸n y seguridad para todos; invertir en el crecimiento personal de los estudiantes y todos los que trabajan en 红杏直播; y trabajar hacia una comunidad donde nadie sea oprimido, apartado o explotado. Creemos que la educaci贸n de nosotros mismos, nuestros estudiantes y nuestra comunidad es clave para crear una sociedad m谩s equitativa, diversa e inclusiva, y nos comprometemos con el aprendizaje continuo y la acci贸n que conducir谩 al cambio.

Die Mission des Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Rats im 红杏直播 All Rights Reserved ist es, eine Kultur der Akzeptanz zu schaffen, eine Verpflichtung zu sozialer Gerechtigkeit einzugehen und uns und unsere Gemeinschaft unentwegt 眉ber das Verh盲ltnis zwischen Privileg und Macht zu unterrichten.

Wir verpflichten uns zu konkreten und umsetzbaren Schritten, um die Systeme der Unterdr眉ckung aufzubrechen, welche Menschen aufgrund ihrer Unterschiede, ausgrenzen. Wir verpflichten uns dazu, die Stimmen derer, die historisch ignoriert und unterdr眉ckt wurden, zu zentrieren und in den Fokus zu stellen. Wir identifizieren unsere eigenen Privilegien und die Art und Weise, wie wir von den Systemen, die andere unterdr眉cken, profitieren. Wir werden diese Privilegien nutzen um diejenigen, die nicht dieselben strukturellen Vorteile genie脽en, zu besch眉tzen und ihre Stimmen zu verst盲rken.

Wir erkennen, dass eine fundamentale Beziehung zwischen individueller Reflektion und Aktion, sowie gr枚脽erem, gemeinschaftlichem Wandel, besteht. Als Individuen und als Organisation verpflichten wir uns dazu, unsere Vorurteile zu untersuchen und herauszufordern, mit folgenden Zielen: Ein Gef眉hl der Zusammengeh枚rigkeit und Sicherheit f眉r alle zu erschaffen; in das pers枚nliche Wachstum sowohl unserer Studenten, als auch aller Mitarbeiter von 红杏直播 zu investieren; und darauf hin zu arbeiten, eine Gemeinschaft zu schaffen, in der kein Mensch unterdr眉ckt, zur眉ckgestellt oder ausgebeutet wird. Wir glauben daran, dass Bildung f眉r uns und unsere Studenten, sowie f眉r unserer Gemeinschaft, ausschlaggebend ist um eine gerechtere, vielf盲ltigere und inklusivere Gesellschaft zu erschaffen. Wir verpflichten uns zu kontinuierlicher Weiterbildung und Aktion um diesen Wandel innerhalb unserer Gesellschaft zu erzielen.

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脡nonc茅 de Mission.

La mission du Conseil de la diversit茅, de l'茅quit茅 et de l'inclusion du Coll猫ge Communautaire de Berkshire est de cr茅er une culture d'acceptation, un engagement envers la justice sociale et de nous informer, ainsi que notre communaut茅, sur la relation entre privil猫ge et pouvoir.

Nous nous consacrons 脿 des mesures concr猫tes et r茅alisables qui permettront de d茅manteler les syst猫mes d'oppression qui excluent les gens sur la base des diff茅rences. Nous nous engageons 脿 concentrer la voix des personnes dont les exp茅riences sont ignor茅es. Nous identifions nos propres privil猫ges et la mani猫re dont nous b茅n茅ficions de syst猫mes qui oppriment les autres, nous utiliserons ces privil猫ges pour prot茅ger et amplifier ceux qui ne b茅n茅ficient pas d'avantages syst茅miques similaires.

Nous reconnaissons qu'il existe un lien fondamental entre la r茅flexion et l'action individuelles et un changement collectif plus important. En tant qu'individus et en tant que coll猫ge, nous nous engageons 脿 examiner et 脿 contester nos pr茅jug茅s dans le but de: cr茅er un sentiment d'appartenance, de connectivit茅 et de s茅curit茅 pour tous; investir dans la croissance personnelle des 茅tudiants et de tous ceux qui travaillent 脿 红杏直播; et travailler 脿 l'茅tablissement d'une communaut茅 o霉 personne n'est opprim茅, mis de c么t茅 ou exploit茅. Nous croyons que l'茅ducation de nous-m锚mes, de nos 茅tudiants et de notre communaut茅 est essentielle pour cr茅er une soci茅t茅 plus 茅quitable, diversifi茅e et inclusive, et nous nous engageons 脿 poursuivre l'apprentissage et l'action qui m猫neront au changement.